Bill Frith

Bill Frith



All Colors


Cindy-Lou's Kitchen


  • Action
  • Sci-Fi


Southern Gospel


  • Tinkering on just about anything and everything.
  • Being outdoors in the fresh air.
  • Spending time with Cindy and the family.


I'd tell ya more but Cindy just about covered it all!

  • Mo Kitty
  • Finny The Fish
  • Lucy Dog
  • Dina Dog

Testimony: Eph 2:8-10

I'm always amazed at the blessings that the Lord continues to shower on a dirt bag like me, in spite of who I am. Without a doubt I'm worthy of none of them, yet he's seen fit to Love me because he sees me as perfect through his own blood. He's given me a good woman with a heart way bigger than I can comprehend. He's given me children that Love him, and I honestly believe Kings and royalty would be proud to call their own. He's given me in-laws that love and accept me despite who I am. He's given me grandchildren that are truly blessings and light up the room with their very presence, and he's called them to be his own. A job, a roof over my head, food in my belly, he uses me in a ministry that I could never imagine. What else could a man ask for? Perhaps a brain and a heart after his own? I'd like that!